Job Seekers
Holmes County Local listings
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Â Offers Job Openings throughout the state of Ohio is an enhanced recruitment and job search service available through a State of Ohio in partnership with and You can register on by clicking the above link. It will give you the opportunity to search job postings from over 8,000 job boards and employer websites. You can easily create and post a resume, track your job search activities, and learn about popular and successful career paths relevant to your situation. OMJHC also provides the ability for an employer to search and view candidates and specific skills. OMJ is Internet based and you can access it from anywhere there is Internet access.
Resource Room Equipment
On-site computers to prepare or update your resume or to access employment information on the Internet. Free assistance with creating your resume is available. We offer access to a copier, fax machine & telephone for your employment related needs at NO COST TO YOU. You can use our telephones to schedule job interviews, or use our copy machine/fax machine to send your resume to potential employers. We also have resume quality paper and envelopes available. OMJHC Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â assists with the tools you need to get the job you want. For more information about our employment services, please contact Sundee Porter directly at 330-763-8726 or visit us at 85 North Grant Street, Ohio. No appointment is needed.
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Education/Training
Under WIOA, eligible job seekers who are unemployed or underemployed, and in need of short-term occupational skills training, may receive an Individual Training Account (ITA). Training may be made available to individuals after an assessment determines that the individual requires training to obtain employment or remain employed. The goal of any training through WIOA is to lead to an industry-recognized certification, license, credential, or degree, and should assist job seekers in becoming employed at a self-sufficient wage. All training must be completed in two years or less and be received through an Eligible Training Provider.
Training services provided are determined on a case-by-case basis of depending on suitability and skills need. Not all job seekers will be approved for training. WIOA is not an entitlement program - even if an individual is eligible for services, WIOA funding may not be appropriate. Appropriateness will be determined by a review of barriers, work history, labor market information, and existing skills and interests.
Employer Services
We can save your business time, which can save you money.
Recruitment Assistance is available; including distribution and collection of applications, and collection of resumes.
Pre-screening of Resumes and Applications
Employers may choose to have resumes pre-screened to their job requirements. Potential candidates may also complete applications at our site and qualifying resumes will be sent to you.
Free Advertising for job openings
Job openings are posted on and the job board in our resource room
On-Site Interview Rooms
Space is available for individualized hiring events, mass interviews and recruitments. On-site interview rooms, a classroom, as well as a large conference room is also available.
On-Site Job Fairs at Your Location
If you are interested in hosting a job fair at your location, we will be glad to work directly with you and assist you in holding a job fair at your place of business.
Rapid Response Services
If you are downsizing, we can assist by meeting with your workers to explain their options and assisting them with finding new employment. This service may be conducted at your facility or at OhioMeansJobs Holmes County center.
Labor Market Information
Labor market information based on your requirements can be provided.
Veteran Services
Veterans receive Priority of Service
Veterans receive priority of service, meaning a veteran or other covered person (a veteran's spouse) is given priority of services delivered by our center. These services include employment placement and training.
On-The-Job Training
On-the-Job Training is a program that subsidizes the wages of new eligible employees during a training period. Training may be offered for select jobs up to 6 months with reimbursement of up to one half of the wage rate you are paying the trainee. Please contact us to find out more about the On-the-Job Training program.
We are happy to assist you with any employment needs. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Again, you may contact Sundee Porter directly at 330-763-8726.
Contact Us

85 North Grant Street
P.O. Box 72
Millersburg, Ohio 44654
     330-674-1111 - Phone         Â
330-674-0770 - Fax     Â
         330-674-0966 - TTY               Â
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Resource Room Hours
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Agency Office Hours