Job Seekers
How Can We Help:
Most people visit the OhioMeansJobs center to:
1. Job Search
2. Connect with Employment Resources,
3. Apply for Training
Career Services available
- All first-time visitors receive an orientation of all available OhioMeansJobs Wayne County services
- Receive one-on-one assistance with Career Planner for employment and/or training requests
- Access to network of valuable career preparation activities and resources through OhioMeansJobs Wayne County partners
- Career Planner will connect you with appropriately matched career preparation activities. View Calendar for all career activities.
Resource Center
- Use our on-site computers to prepare or update your resume or browse up to date job openings on OhioMeansJobs.com
- View job boards - see jobs available in Wayne County
- Assistance with creating a professional resume and cover letter
- Access to copier, fax machine, and telephone for your employment related needs
- Review information on educational skill training programs and Labor Market Information
Occupational Skills Training
Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), we may be able to fund eligible individuals with short-term skills training or on-the-job training to prepare for in-demand careers. WIOA is designed to help individuals' access employment, education, training, and supportive services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. Training may be made available to individuals after completion of an Application for Training with eligibility documentation, and a pre/post-test formalized assessment.
The goal of any training through WIOA is to lead to an industry-recognized certification, license, credential, or degree, and should lead individual to employment at a self-sufficient wage. All training must be less than 24 months, with an emphasis on 9-12 month programs. WIOA training must be provided through an eligible training provider on the Workforce Inventory of Education and Training system.